Qiao Wu
M.S. Student
Xi'an, China
Email: qiaowu [at] mail [dot] nwpu [dot] edu [dot] cn

[Publications]  [Education]  [Experiences]  [Talks] 

I am pursuing my M.S. degree at Northwestern Polytechnical University (NWPU), co-supervied by Jiaqi Yang and Mathieu Salzmann. I am now interested in 3D computer vision, especially focus on the tasks related to Autonomous Driving. Before joining NWPU, I received B.Eng. degree at China University of Geosciences, adviced by Kun Sun.

NEW We have one paper accepted to ICCV 2023. See you in Paris!


MixCycle: Mixup Assisted Semi-Supervised 3D Single Object Tracking with Cycle Consistency, ICCV 2023
Qiao Wu, Jiaqi Yang, Kun Sun, Chu'ai Zhang, Yanning Zhang, Mathieu Salzmann

We propose the first semi-supervised approach to 3D Single Object Tracking. Our method, MixCycle, uses self and forward-backward cycle-consistency for supervision, and introduce a data augmentation strategy named SOTMixup to improve the tracker's robustness to point cloud diversity. It is generalizes to appearance matching-based trackers.

paper / bibtex / code



